In John18:15-18 and 25-27 Peter denies Jesus 3 times because he was paralyzed with fear that he may also lose his life if he claimed he knew Him. Later in John 21, Peter returns to his old life of fishing. It was then that Jesus appears to him to show how much he loved him.
1. Jesus sees your failure but loves you in spite of it
- Peter denies Jesus 3 times and once when warming his hands by a fire of coals
- Jesus re-instates Peter by building a fire of coals, cooking him breakfast and asking him 3 times if he loved Him
- It was as if Jesus was saying I saw it all, you screwed up, but look how much I love you.
2. Jesus doesn’t want failure can keep you from your destiny
- Peter learned to deal with his failure, stood up after the day of Pentecost and proclaimed his love for Jesus publicly and 3,000 people followed Christ that day
- We learn that Peter was later crucified upside down for following Christ. He had overcome his fear and fulfilled his God-given destiny.
3. Learning to fail properly is what allows you to succeed in the future
- The first thing they teach in ski school is how to fall properly so that you will continue to try.
- For reference study the failures of Abraham Lincoln and how he used them as stepping stones for his successes.
As you look into 2009, realize that God is a God of new beginnings. Set some goals. Think in the future, not in the past. Believe in yourself because God believes in you!