Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Gathering

Really good to be back last night. Have to say I miss the students. It's fall break week so everyone had tons of energy. As the night came to an end, things got intense. I guess anytime you deal with the issue of suicide, people listen. What amazed me was the amount of students who had a loved one that that had committed suicide. I am constantly blown away at the issues these kids face, yet they still give this whole God thing a chance. We have a new thing, if you had asked me a few years ago, I would have told you it was elementary, but it's amazing how it's working. Every week at the end of our service, or at some important transition I stop the service and have every student look at me until they smile (many of them really don't want to smile) but when they do, I have them simply repeat these words...He loves me!!! It is amazing how their demeanor changes immediately. It's really cool to watch God work in these kid's lives.

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