Monday, August 17, 2009

Reflections From Recent Weeks

Its been a wild and crazy summer, but things have been so rewarding and fun. Here are a few updates and reflections.
  • Over 30 people gave their hearts and lives to Christ in the last 2 months
  • 12 people have been baptized
  • Chase the Lion was overwhelmingly popular and successful (watch all 6 weeks here
  • 15 people have signed up for Life Connections with our biggest sign up week still to come
  • Growth Groups Launch Sunday
  • New Series on Family, Relationships and Finances begins in 2 weeks
  • Pastor Kevin and Kristal will be here in about 6 weeks
  • Over 150 people responded Sunday to start The Chase...I was simply blown away at the anxiousness of people to come forward
  • We are seeing more new people than I can count
  • Over 40 were at our Newcomer's Lunch Sunday

I am excited about what Gulf Coast will be in a year or so!

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