Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dream Assassins - Let Downs

Joseph spends years in prison and finds himself meeting 2 of the kings of officials, a cupbearer and a baker. In the midst of the prison they both have dreams in which God uses Joseph to interpret. Joseph told the cupbearer in Genesis 40 to remember him when his dream came true. Had the cupbearer shared the scenario of the dream and Joseph's role the king would have likely let him out of prison in just 3 days. Instead Joseph spent another 2 years in a place he did not deserve.

Lessons Learned...
  • People you serve will not always return the favor, even when promises are made.
  • Let-downs may lead to more waiting.
  • Sometimes let-downs come because God's timing is different than ours.
  • Joseph did not know whether or not the cupbearer had made mention of him to the king or not. Many times we will be unsure of the circumstances surrounding our let-down.
  • The people we serve often times remember us long after the fact... (Genesis 41)

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