Friday, November 28, 2008

Dream Assassins - Waiting

Continuing in the life of Joseph beginning in Genesis 37, we see another attempt to destroy the dream God had given him. In Genesis 39 following the lies of Potipher's wife, Joseph is thrown into prison for something he did not do. It was there he simply waited and made the most of every opportunity he was given.

Lessons Learned...
  • Joseph's waiting came in the form of a prison cell, for you it may be a job, finances, circumstances, a relationship, or even a prayer closet until God says now!!!
  • Without the prison cell (waiting place) there would be no palace for the fulfillment of the dream.
  • God can still prosper you in your waiting place. Joseph found favor and was given leadership responsibilities even in prison.
  • God honors faithfulness!
  • People are always watching you in the middle of your darkest or most frustrating moments (v.21)

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