Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dream Assassins - Sex

In Genesis 39 Joseph finds himself as a servant in the home of Potipher, one of the kings officials. He finds favor with him because he remains faithful to God. In the meantime Joseph gets a not so modest come on from Potipher's wife not just once, but everyday. After many refusals she gets frustrated with him...we pick up there next time.

Lessons Learned
  • Sexual Assassins are closer than most of us realize...Potipher's wife watched Joseph daily.
  • Our love for God has to be greater than love of ourselves..."How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?" v9
  • Had Joseph given in, the dream could have been destroyed or altered (See King David).
  • Joseph may have never gotten caught, but he said no anyway.
  • Greater success can bring greater opportunity for failure.

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