Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dream Assasins - Deceit

Following Joseph's rejection of Potipher's wife and his faithfulness to God in Genesis 39, Potipher's wife set out to destroy him. As he left the house she grabbed his coat and in his persistence to get away he left his coat. She proceeds to tell a different version of the story in what seems to be an attempt to get back and Joseph for rejecting him. She lies about his intentions to her husband and had him stripped of his position and thrown ito prison.

Lessons Learned...
  • There will always be people who will lie about you.
  • There will always be people who will believe the lies.
  • There is nothing you and I can do to keep it from happening.
  • People who are offended, hurt, threatened, or rejected may gather evidence to build a case against you. (Potipher's wife uses the coat as evidence to back her story)
  • Many times we will be persecuted for things we did not do.

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