Thursday, November 20, 2008

His First Prayer

Last Night we got home late from The Gathering Youth Service and it was like usual past Jase's bedtime. As I changed his diaper and began to put him to bed he said something to the affect of "i onna wock" which I interpreted to mean I want to rock. I was actually right for a change. Most of the time Julie has to interpret for me. So I sat down in the rocking chair for a few minutes with him and after sitting down for only a few seconds he said "Amen" which is what he says when Julie or I get finished praying. So I ask him if he wanted to pray and he responded with something like "i onna pway." Julie and I pray with him at night, but it is always us who instigates it, but not this time. So I took advantage of it, and about 2 words at a time, Jase repeated after me his first prayer to God. Did he! Do I! I am just excited and scared all at the same time to raise him and show him how much the God that created him loves him. It's a huge responsibility, but we ask God everyday to give us wisdom. I hope that he will see his mom and day pray more than just at church or at bedtime. I want him to see us live a life of worship to God that he wants to model his "life" after.

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