Monday, November 17, 2008

Dream Assassins - Family

Joseph has a dream that in some way or another he will be in a position of authority over his family. His brothers don't take the dream well when he tells them. So they plot to kill him, but settle on selling him into slavery to get him away so that they can destroy the dream.

Lessons Learned...
  • When you have a dream in your life and share it with people in your family, they will not always understand.
  • The people that you feel should be the closest to you and give you the most support can sometimes be the ones that selfishly seek to hold you back
  • People who do not have God's heart, can't see the things God sees (Isaiah 55:9)
  • God always does and end run - he didn't allow Joseph's brothers to kill him

What has God put in your heart that you feel others may have a hard time believing. Read this blog by Steven Furtick.

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