Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Reflections

After eating entirely too much for you and me both I thought I would share a few things I am thankful for...
  • Julie who is an amazing woman and mother and willing to go wherever God leads us.
  • Jase who is 19 months now and growing way too fast.
  • Family. We have always maintained good relationships with both our families.
  • Being able to spend the holidays with my mom who should have passed from extreme aggressive cancer 13 years ago.
  • College Football. Georgia...maybe next year!
  • Golf.
  • Food. I actually ate enough today to feed some children in Thailand for a few weeks.
  • Being able to serve God with my life.
  • My church family and friends.
  • Jesus! Thanks for everything you have done.

I will finish the Dream Assassin series starting tomorrow!

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