Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday Night Reflections

Wow...where to begin after a day like today. Its been a crazy few months, but here are my thoughts...
  • Glad to see that The Coast has elected a new Lead Pastor. I am excited to see what the future holds for Kevin and Kristal and the people of Gulf Coast.
  • Never gets old seeing people making a decision to follow Christ with their life.
  • I really enjoyed speaking on "Embracing Uncertainty." Quote of the day..."defining moments usually lead down the path of Uncertainty."
  • Today totally applies to my life!
  • Loved hanging out with our Sunday Night Crowd. Never a dull moment!
  • Actually got a great nap today! Sunday naps are the best, but now the jungle looms to be cut later this week.
  • Loving "The Shack." Ill let you know if its a must read. I usually hate fictional books, but not this one.
  • Still trying to sell 2 houses! Any takers?
  • Getting stoked about College Football season.
  • Tiger Woods won again...Is he really human?
  • Five days into a diet and hating it.

So many other thoughts I will share about uncertainty in the near future, but that's all for now. What about your weekend?


Anonymous said...

As usually I really enjoyed your sermon yesterday! Was that the last one on "chasing the Lions"? I missed about 3 weeks of sermons due to sick kids! I plan on getting the series on CD. My weekend was good. Tried to finish school shopping and take advantage of the tax free weekend! Adam went back to work today :-( Even though we really just stayed home I enjoy having him home! He had a staycation as Pastor Kevin puts it! He did do some fishing with the kids. He is getting into the fishing again. I like to see him doing something her enjoys! All he does is work! are right Sunday naps are the best! I also took one as well! I hate dieting too...been trying myself. I was doing the "protein" but when Pastor Kevin and Kristal came I messed up and haven't been back on it since. Once you break protein diet it seems so hard to do it again! Is that what you are doing? Have a great week! Dodi

Carl Nichols said...

2 more weeks of the Chase The Lion...Jeremiah speaking this week...Yes low carb...I ate too much that weekend as well

Anonymous said...

Love the podcast! I'm able to share it with others- awesome! I'm actually reading The Shack too - Don't love dieting, but have recently lost some weight on a get fit challenge - worked out well & won some cash! Have really enjoyed the Chase the Lion series - have been challenged & have stepped out in some areas - always a good thing! Appreciate you!