Here is a follow up to the previous 2 posts...Wireless was down for 2 days so here is the final 2 reasons I see that the church has lost its influence...
5. Lack of Absolute Truth - This is a double edged sword. Unfortunately we live in a culture that has become a culture of tolerance to a fault. Everything is accepted as okay and truth has become relative to the individual and his or her circumstances. The church must stand for the truth found in God's Word and must not compromise in the name of tolerance. I once heard someone say that tolerance is simply listening. One can tolerate the viewpoint of another without embracing it or condoning it. On the other hand, the church must not make up truths that are not found in God's Word. There are absolutes and there are opinions and or convictions. When it comes down to it, truth is a person, not a set of ideas or beliefs. Truth is Jesus. Jesus said in John 14 "I am the way the truth and the life." Truth is found in the person of Jesus Christ and Christ-followers should strive to model their lives after Him.
6. Lack of Intentionality - The church was established by Jesus in the New Testament as the agency for carrying out His mission. As a Christ-follower, we are apart of what the scriptures call the body of Christ or "the Church." As a local church (group of believers) it is our responsibility to be intentional when it comes to reaching our community. Its easy once a church becomes more established and routine to get distracted and unfocused. I myself find this to be true on a personal level. A mentor of mine once told me that everything drifts towards, jobs, family, businesses, and yes churches. Andy Stanley says a church "must narrow the focus by doing a few things well." As a church we must be intentional about what we decide to do and what we decide not to do.
A Side Note...
There are many great churches in our country today, and many Godly men who are role models. I believe that the local church is the hope of the world and I am passionate about seeing Jesus Christ modeled in the community in which I live. The last few days have simply been observations from my experience and the culture at large. No matter what side of the aisle we find ourselves on, one thing is clear to me...many people have been hurt or burned by church and church leadership because of many reasons that may or may not have been mentioned above.
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