Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Why The Church and Pastor's Have Lost Influence

Over the last few decades the church in America has lost it's voice and influence. For the last few months I have made note of numerous conversations that have given me more clarity as to why this is true. Over the next few blog posts I will share my thoughts. Many of these thoughts have helped us determine the type of church that Relevant Church seeks to be.

Reasons the church and pastors have lost influence...

1.Lack of Authenticity - From narcissism in leadership to simple lack of integrity our culture is simply tired of a faux faith. We all desire authenticity and look for someone to model our life after. As pastors and leaders, we must peel back the masks and let people see us for who we are. We must also get to the point that our image doesn't matter. A church or pastors success is not defined on the number of people who attend or the size of the facility you have. What matters most is what people see in you. Are you who you say you are? Do your messages on Sundays, your blogs throughout the week, and the way you treat your family model the life of Jesus Christ?

2.Lack of Relevance - Lights and music, jeans and t-shirts do not necessarily equate to relevance. What does the church do to relate to the community throughout the week. It seems more and more we strive to be relevant for the sake of drawing a crowd and not for the sake of making an impact on those who actually show up. Do we speak on Sunday to grow our church or to grow the people in our audience toward a relationship with Jesus? Do we build relationships in our community to further our agenda or to be an example of Jesus to them?
Thoughts??? More tomorrow.


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