Thursday, July 30, 2009

Transition Update

Our Board of Directors and transitional team are excited to inform you that Kevin and Kristal Beachy have expressed that they are 100% on board and looking forward to the possibility of Kevin becoming Lead Pastor at The Coast. So where do we go from here...
  1. There is a special business meeting planned for Sunday morning following the service
  2. At that time all active members will be asked to vote yes or no for Kevin
  3. A 2/3 majority elects Kevin as our new Lead Pastor

I will be sharing a special message Sunday entitled "Embracing Uncertainty" that will tie directly into our transition. No one is sure exactly what the future holds for GCWC, but we can be sure of who holds the future. As for our transitional team, we feel that Kevin is the best candidate and best fit for the future of GCWC and we are excited about the possibilities. Show up and lets move forward together.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Proverbs 10

I love today's chapter of Proverbs. So simple, yet so rich. I thought I would share a few thoughts as it relates to our transition at The Coast. We know there is a common thread about three types of people found in the proverbs...the wise, the fool, and the scoffer. Here are a few thoughts that are clearly stated...
  • There is a direct link between the heart of a person and the words that come from their lips (v.20)
  • A wise person speaks life, a fool speaks dissension (v.11-12)
  • A wise persons default setting is love, a fools is hatred (v.11-12)
  • Those who lack judgement deserve punishment (v.13 and 31) WOW
  • Wise people understand appropriate communication (v.32)
  • Wise people know how to listen, the foolish tend to babble to their own demise (v.8)

What are you learning? Maybe another question for us to ponder today is how do we communicate?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lessons From The Weekend

This past weekend was an incredible opportunity for GCWC. We had the pleasure of hosting Kevin and Kristal Beachy as they are considering the lead pastor position here. Here are a few things I learned from the weekend...
  • Hosting is a tiring process
  • We have an unbelievable board and staff
  • Our church family is excited about the future
  • Relationships matter
  • Mrs. Glenda makes amazing Key Lime Pie
  • You will never please everyone, but you can set aside your differences for the unity of the Body of Christ
  • I ate too much
  • Red Team is still the best team on the planet
  • I have amazing parents who watched Jase for the weekend
  • I really missed speaking Sunday
  • I am ready to jump back in the Chase the Lion Series
  • Eddie and the worship team did an amazing job

What did you learn?


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Proverbs 3 - "Leaning" - Guest Blogger Jeremiah Fife

As I was reading today in Proverbs 3, verses 5-6 seemed to jump off the page at me. They read,
'Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight.'

So many times we allow the weight of our situation or circumstance to cloud our focus on God, which in turn seems to push us to lean on our own understanding. Leaning has the sense of putting your whole weight on something, resting on and trusting in that person or thing, which most times ends up being ourselves! When we have an important decision to make, we sometimes feel as if we can't trust anyone - not even God. But God knows what is best for us. He is a better judge of what we want than even we are! We must trust in him completely in every choice we make. We should not omit careful thinking or put down our God-given ability to reason; but we should not trust our own ideas to the exclusion of all others. We must not be wise in our own eyes. We should seek to be wise in the eyes of God! We should always be willing to listen to and be corrected by God's Word and wise counselors.

So next time your facing an important decision, or any decision for that matter, bring your decision to God in prayer. Use the Bible as your guide, and then follow God's leading. He will make 'your paths straight' by both guiding and protecting you! Chase the Lion, face your fear by putting your complete and whole trust in the Lord! He will come through in ways you can't even imagine (Ephesians 3:20)!"

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Proverbs 2 - "If"..."Then"

Proverbs 2 starts out with a few stipulations. In the first four verses Solomon says "if you" three different times. Each time he is referring to our search and hunger for wisdom and knowledge. He states if you search...if you call out...if you accept, then you will understand. So many times I think we as Christ-followers want everything to be easy. I have been guilty myself, but here we find a simple instruction on how to understand the "good path" (v.9) that God has for us. When it comes to Chasing the Lions that we are facing, whether it be a job promotion, a family circumstance, a financial situation, or a huge step of faith, it is vital that we passionately pursue the wisdom of God in all these matters. I once heard it said this way..."knowledge is looking at a fire and saying that is hot...wisdom is looking at a fire and saying that is hot, do not touch it or it will burn." As it relates to our spiritual journey I think many times we have the knowledge of the fact that God desires for us to Chase the Lions that are in front of us, but we sometimes lack the wisdom to know how to do so, or the guts to actually do it. What about you? Has there been something you know you should be doing, but not practically doing it?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Proverbs 1

I am excited about the future of GCWC. For those of you who have been following the last few months here on the blog, you understand that the church we currently serve at is in a time of transition. Our staff and board have sought the wisdom and direction of God for some time and are excited about the events of the next few weeks. Beginning today, as a church we have begun a reading of the Proverbs together. Here are a few thoughts as we begin with chapter 1 that may encourage and challenge you.

1. The sole purpose of the book is "for the attaining of wisdom and discipline; for understanding words or insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair." (verses 2-3)

2. Solomon, the wisest man whoever lives gives so much insight in these "wise sayings" that guide us in this journey called life.

3. There is a common theme throughout the book as he relates specifically to 3 types of people...the wise, the fool, and the scoffer.

As we have been in our current series "Chase the Lion" we have discussed taking calculated risks and trusting God to come through when the odds are stacked against us. We talked yesterday about rewiring our hard drive (our brains) so that we may think more like him. Romans 12:1 calls it "being transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test what God's will is." That's what "Chasing the Lion" is all about...pursuing Gods dream and plan for our lives. Join us as we study this book together over the next few weeks.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Exciting News

As many of you know, we are excited that Kevin and Kristal Beachy will be with us the weekend of July 26th to interview for the Lead Pastor position at GCWC. This is an opportunity for you to get to know them and for them to get to know you. This Sunday we will be announcing a few more details as far as what the weekend will look like and how you can get to know them better. We will also have a CORE Leaders meeting this Sunday evening at 5:00 PM for all those in any area of leadership at GCWC. Please feel free to comment or ask questions here.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Join The Chase

We continue in a series entitled "Chase The Lion" at The Coast tomorrow. I am excited as we focus our attention on Defying Odds. What is it that seems too big for you to overcome? What is it that you want to do but it seems impossible? What odds, What lions are you facing? Why is it that we can't seem to set God-sized goals? Why is it so hard to pursue God-ordained passions? Why is it we seem to fear going after a dream that is destined to fail unless God intervenes? You don't want to miss the next few weeks.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Summer Break

This has been everything but a slow summer for Julie and I. So many irons in the fire and so much to do. However one thing I do miss is The Gathering, our Wednesday night student ministry. It gives me more study time for Sundays, but as I read facebook comments, its evident to me how much it means to the students as well. The Gathering will relaunch August 12 and will look and feel totally different. Until then...Join the Chase!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Chase The Lion

Have you ever looked back and asked yourself what if? I am convinced that the greatest regrets we will have near the end of this life are not the mistakes we made, but the things we never attempted out of fear or uncertainty. This Sunday kicks off a brand new series at Gulf Coast entitled "Chase The Lion". You don't want to miss it as we calculate how to step out and take risks in this journey called life. This Sunday we will focus on "Defying Odds". If we listen to the critics or our culture, we will always be pinned in a corner and scared to death to charge the largest mountains. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't. Join the Chase!