Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Proverbs 2 - "If"..."Then"

Proverbs 2 starts out with a few stipulations. In the first four verses Solomon says "if you" three different times. Each time he is referring to our search and hunger for wisdom and knowledge. He states if you search...if you call out...if you accept, then you will understand. So many times I think we as Christ-followers want everything to be easy. I have been guilty myself, but here we find a simple instruction on how to understand the "good path" (v.9) that God has for us. When it comes to Chasing the Lions that we are facing, whether it be a job promotion, a family circumstance, a financial situation, or a huge step of faith, it is vital that we passionately pursue the wisdom of God in all these matters. I once heard it said this way..."knowledge is looking at a fire and saying that is hot...wisdom is looking at a fire and saying that is hot, do not touch it or it will burn." As it relates to our spiritual journey I think many times we have the knowledge of the fact that God desires for us to Chase the Lions that are in front of us, but we sometimes lack the wisdom to know how to do so, or the guts to actually do it. What about you? Has there been something you know you should be doing, but not practically doing it?

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