Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Proverbs 10

I love today's chapter of Proverbs. So simple, yet so rich. I thought I would share a few thoughts as it relates to our transition at The Coast. We know there is a common thread about three types of people found in the proverbs...the wise, the fool, and the scoffer. Here are a few thoughts that are clearly stated...
  • There is a direct link between the heart of a person and the words that come from their lips (v.20)
  • A wise person speaks life, a fool speaks dissension (v.11-12)
  • A wise persons default setting is love, a fools is hatred (v.11-12)
  • Those who lack judgement deserve punishment (v.13 and 31) WOW
  • Wise people understand appropriate communication (v.32)
  • Wise people know how to listen, the foolish tend to babble to their own demise (v.8)

What are you learning? Maybe another question for us to ponder today is how do we communicate?

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