Saturday, August 30, 2008

All We Can Do Now is Wait

Wow! Where do I begin. I think back three years ago when my family went through 2 of the worst hurricanes in history. After Katrina devastated our coastline and we led the largest distribution effort on the Mississippi Gulf Coast for 10 weeks, a friend of ours who I will be playing golf with this very week rewarded our family with a getaway because of our efforts. He noticed the burnout in our eyes, and realized we needed a break after working over 100 hours a week for over 2 months. Long story short we chose Cancun only to ride out Hurricane Wilma (155 mph winds for 40 hours) in a shelter for 10 days. I'll save the details, but to be honest I have never wanted to quit ministry so bad in my life. As it is, I spent the 2nd half of this week in preparation for Gustav and who knows after that (Hannah). Now all we can do is wait. I head to ATL tomorrow and catch a flight to FLA monday. We are asking that you pray for the people of the coast of MS and LA this week. If you see someone in your town this week, maybe buy them a tank of gas or serve them in some way. Thanks so much for your prayers and support. Ill keep you up to date on our status.

1 comment:

mslarkb said...

Keeping you all in prayer - Just finished setting up to feed 600 plus hot meals a day to law enforcement - Paul is at the hospital until.... I'm at home for a while to try & decide what to take care of at home....back at the command post @ 6am - Boys also @ GPD until..... God Bless - Love ya'll