Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gustav - Three Years after Katrina

As many of you know Friday marks the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina that obliterated New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Well here we are watching Gustav and waiting in limbo to see what our next move is. Please pray for us about the following things:

1. Peace for the people of our area. Not only a peace but also a turning towards God that is not just temporary.

2. The church - In 2005 following Katrina Jesus was lifted up because of the service of the church across America.

3. Wisdom for our leadership as we will make decisions as to whether to cancel retreats etc. scheduled this week.

4. A weaker storm than expected. If it has to make landfall, let it be mild.

Please forward this to others in your circle of influence as well as those who helped during Katrina. Thanks for all of your prayers and help.

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