Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Making the Tough Decisions

I'm so tired of rain I don't know what to do. Finally got a chance to cut my grass today when I noticed a patch of weeds beginning to take over a few of my bushes on my property line. My immediate action was to pull it out. After all it would be foolish to leave it. It wasn't easy but after a few tugs I succeeded. Unfortunately as pastors and leaders we leave weeĆ°s around too long. There are people within our ministries that attempt to undermine authority or at the very least have questionable motives. It may be a staff member or key leader, but they must be removed. If it can be done so gently that is more often than not the best way. However there are times that a leader must exercise their authority and apply whatever actions necessary to remove that spirit. Over the next few days I will be giving a few more thoughts on this topic.

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