Monday, November 23, 2009

Relevant Church - Launching 2010

After three weeks on the ground in Henry County, we are excited about the future. So many possibilities yet so many things to do. Here is where we are at in the process of Launching Relevant Church next year...

1. We are currently raising funding for the church. We need an additional $25,000 by January. We have just filed for our Articles of Incorporation and will begin receiving funds on a local level very soon.

  • We have services booked across the southeast over the next few months, but are still looking for opportunities.
  • We have also recently began receiving gifts from individuals and and families and welcome any further contributions.

2. We are meeting as many old friends and new people as possible. Our goal is to get as many people to buy into the future of Relevant Church as possible.

3. We are still waiting on 2 houses to close in MS and have had a few snags along the way.
Please pray for Relevant Church. If you live in the area and would like to be a part, shoot an email to

Thanks for your prayers and support

Carl and Julie

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Love Jesus...Hate Church

I was not at all surprised with the responses posted today on facebook and twitter to this question..."can a person love Jesus and despise the church?" This is a growing trend in our culture. Because of the neglect of biblical mission, along with the growing negligence and lack of purity in the "church" more and more people have become interested in Jesus, His Life, and His Teachings yet all along growing more and more distant and even hostile towards "church."

In order for us to fully tackle this issue (which cannot be done in a matter of a few lines), we must first look at what the church should be according to the scriptures. In the book of Acts, Jesus very clearly established the church with the mission he had given his disciples a in Matthew 28:19-20. The church was birthed as the hope of the world, to carry the message of Christ to the entire world. Throughout the book of Acts, we see the church meeting in homes for the purpose of breaking bread, prayer, and teaching (Acts 2:42). Furthermore we find that they added to their number daily people who were choosing to follow Christ (Acts 2:47). Those that were following Christ were also connecting with other believers, with the guidance of the Apostles. It was the New Testament Church. As the years have passed, though we don't have time to discuss church history, it is safe to say that the church has changed. Many time the message of Christ has been lost, grace has been forgotten, and truth has been neglected. However this was never the church Jesus intended. He intended a church that was pure and blameless. He desired it so much that he laid down his life for it (Ephesians 5:22-33). Jesus died for the bride of Christ "The Church." Here are a few points to ponder...
1. Jesus loves the church and so should a Christ-follower. It is important to establish the fact that not every building with a steeple and a sign is the church that Christ had in mind. In fact, I am not anti-church building or anti-steeple (ok maybe anti-steeple), but I would argue that any church that uses that as their measuring stick had missed Christ intent entirely.
2. Many have been wounded by the church establishment in America. When I read scripture it is impossible for me to gather that Christ-followers were intended to do this alone. They devoted themselves to the Apostle's Teaching (They had spiritual leadership), they fellowshipped with one another (they had other relationships within the body of Christ), and they gave of themselves (they were focused on a hurting world). With that in mind, let me encourage you to not give up on "The Church." Where there are imperfect people, there will be imperfect churches. Find a church that places a high importance on the things mentioned above.
3. It is possible to disagree with philosophies, approaches, methods, and even people within the church, but as one who loves Christ, you should love the church. Not the institution, but the body of Christ. Jesus tells Paul in Acts 9 that when persecuting the church (the people of the Way) you are persecuting Christ himself

I love the local church. I do not always agree, and have major issues with Narcissistic Pastors, Big Egos, Hyper Spirituality, Selfish Ambition, Religious Spirits (which by the way Jesus rebuked more than anything else in scripture), and the list goes on and on. I myself have been wounded by a pastor, but the thing I hold onto is that people are imperfect, but Christ is perfect. This is why I continue to do what I do. It is my prayer that Relevant Church which is scheduled to launch it the Fall of 2010 in Henry County, GA will be all that Christ intended it to be.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Family Status

For months now our family has been in limbo...We knew change was coming but were unsure exactly when. Julie and I have been in a year long process and planning to move back to south Atlanta and plant a church in Henry County. Several crazy things have happened that I will save for another time, but it has caused the transition to be handled in ways that have made it more difficult at times. Here is our current situation...I have been leading the church I have been serving for the last four months since my pastor/boss resigned. It has been a great experience and we have grown so close to so many people. During that time, Julie has been searching for a teaching position in Henry County, and several weeks ago took a position at Hampton Middle School. While we are very excited and thankful, it has caused our family to be separated. Julie and Jase are currently living in GA and I am still in MS until the end of October to complete the transition process with the church I am currently serving. We are still attempting to sell our Gulfport, MS home. I am excited yet saddened all at the same time to relocate. God has given us a passion and heart for Henry County and we will launch Relevant Church next year. I will look for a job beginning November and will be employed by someone other than a church for the first time since college. I will be sharing more of the process here as the weeks unfold, but in the meantime, will you please pray for the following things...

  1. For our family in this time of separation and change. Jase is only two, so I am travelling nearly every week to be with them. Family is my first priority.
  2. For our house to sell in Gulfport. Need I say more in this market, the value of the house has dropped $90,000 in the last year.
  3. We have to raise $100,000 in the next few months for the church plant. This seems impossible in this economy, but we are trusting God to make it happen.

We really do covet your prayers, and look forward to seeing many of you back in GA soon.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Excellence or Mediocrity- Guest Blogger Jeremiah Fife

This past week in our staff meeting God brought to the forefront of our devotional time together the following scripture - Colossians 3:23-24. It says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."
As we push forward at Gulf Coast Worship Center I believe God has called us to continually strive for excellence in all we do. Whether its serving at the church or at home or in the community. As followers of Christ the motive that drives us to excellence should be a desire to please the ONE who will give us our final reward. Everything we do should be done with a conscious awareness of his presence, a realization that he is watching.
So the question is "In the areas you serve in, is there excellence?" If so, what contributes to it? If not, I think the first question we all must ask ourselves when excellence is missing is, "Is it something within me?" We should always self-inspect first. If it isn't us and our priorities are right and we are giving our best to God, being on time, serving with the right heart and attitude, then we must ask ourselves "Has the expectations of excellence been clearly laid out or communicated?"
We must all remember that in the end we will stand before God and my hope is that we all hear him say "well done good and faithful servant!"

Monday, August 17, 2009

Reflections From Recent Weeks

Its been a wild and crazy summer, but things have been so rewarding and fun. Here are a few updates and reflections.
  • Over 30 people gave their hearts and lives to Christ in the last 2 months
  • 12 people have been baptized
  • Chase the Lion was overwhelmingly popular and successful (watch all 6 weeks here
  • 15 people have signed up for Life Connections with our biggest sign up week still to come
  • Growth Groups Launch Sunday
  • New Series on Family, Relationships and Finances begins in 2 weeks
  • Pastor Kevin and Kristal will be here in about 6 weeks
  • Over 150 people responded Sunday to start The Chase...I was simply blown away at the anxiousness of people to come forward
  • We are seeing more new people than I can count
  • Over 40 were at our Newcomer's Lunch Sunday

I am excited about what Gulf Coast will be in a year or so!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Watch Online Podcasts

Here is the new link to watch podcast of Sunday Talks from myself or our staff... . Catch up on the Chase the Lion Series before Sunday.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday Night Reflections

Wow...where to begin after a day like today. Its been a crazy few months, but here are my thoughts...
  • Glad to see that The Coast has elected a new Lead Pastor. I am excited to see what the future holds for Kevin and Kristal and the people of Gulf Coast.
  • Never gets old seeing people making a decision to follow Christ with their life.
  • I really enjoyed speaking on "Embracing Uncertainty." Quote of the day..."defining moments usually lead down the path of Uncertainty."
  • Today totally applies to my life!
  • Loved hanging out with our Sunday Night Crowd. Never a dull moment!
  • Actually got a great nap today! Sunday naps are the best, but now the jungle looms to be cut later this week.
  • Loving "The Shack." Ill let you know if its a must read. I usually hate fictional books, but not this one.
  • Still trying to sell 2 houses! Any takers?
  • Getting stoked about College Football season.
  • Tiger Woods won again...Is he really human?
  • Five days into a diet and hating it.

So many other thoughts I will share about uncertainty in the near future, but that's all for now. What about your weekend?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Transition Update

Our Board of Directors and transitional team are excited to inform you that Kevin and Kristal Beachy have expressed that they are 100% on board and looking forward to the possibility of Kevin becoming Lead Pastor at The Coast. So where do we go from here...
  1. There is a special business meeting planned for Sunday morning following the service
  2. At that time all active members will be asked to vote yes or no for Kevin
  3. A 2/3 majority elects Kevin as our new Lead Pastor

I will be sharing a special message Sunday entitled "Embracing Uncertainty" that will tie directly into our transition. No one is sure exactly what the future holds for GCWC, but we can be sure of who holds the future. As for our transitional team, we feel that Kevin is the best candidate and best fit for the future of GCWC and we are excited about the possibilities. Show up and lets move forward together.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Proverbs 10

I love today's chapter of Proverbs. So simple, yet so rich. I thought I would share a few thoughts as it relates to our transition at The Coast. We know there is a common thread about three types of people found in the proverbs...the wise, the fool, and the scoffer. Here are a few thoughts that are clearly stated...
  • There is a direct link between the heart of a person and the words that come from their lips (v.20)
  • A wise person speaks life, a fool speaks dissension (v.11-12)
  • A wise persons default setting is love, a fools is hatred (v.11-12)
  • Those who lack judgement deserve punishment (v.13 and 31) WOW
  • Wise people understand appropriate communication (v.32)
  • Wise people know how to listen, the foolish tend to babble to their own demise (v.8)

What are you learning? Maybe another question for us to ponder today is how do we communicate?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lessons From The Weekend

This past weekend was an incredible opportunity for GCWC. We had the pleasure of hosting Kevin and Kristal Beachy as they are considering the lead pastor position here. Here are a few things I learned from the weekend...
  • Hosting is a tiring process
  • We have an unbelievable board and staff
  • Our church family is excited about the future
  • Relationships matter
  • Mrs. Glenda makes amazing Key Lime Pie
  • You will never please everyone, but you can set aside your differences for the unity of the Body of Christ
  • I ate too much
  • Red Team is still the best team on the planet
  • I have amazing parents who watched Jase for the weekend
  • I really missed speaking Sunday
  • I am ready to jump back in the Chase the Lion Series
  • Eddie and the worship team did an amazing job

What did you learn?


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Proverbs 3 - "Leaning" - Guest Blogger Jeremiah Fife

As I was reading today in Proverbs 3, verses 5-6 seemed to jump off the page at me. They read,
'Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight.'

So many times we allow the weight of our situation or circumstance to cloud our focus on God, which in turn seems to push us to lean on our own understanding. Leaning has the sense of putting your whole weight on something, resting on and trusting in that person or thing, which most times ends up being ourselves! When we have an important decision to make, we sometimes feel as if we can't trust anyone - not even God. But God knows what is best for us. He is a better judge of what we want than even we are! We must trust in him completely in every choice we make. We should not omit careful thinking or put down our God-given ability to reason; but we should not trust our own ideas to the exclusion of all others. We must not be wise in our own eyes. We should seek to be wise in the eyes of God! We should always be willing to listen to and be corrected by God's Word and wise counselors.

So next time your facing an important decision, or any decision for that matter, bring your decision to God in prayer. Use the Bible as your guide, and then follow God's leading. He will make 'your paths straight' by both guiding and protecting you! Chase the Lion, face your fear by putting your complete and whole trust in the Lord! He will come through in ways you can't even imagine (Ephesians 3:20)!"

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Proverbs 2 - "If"..."Then"

Proverbs 2 starts out with a few stipulations. In the first four verses Solomon says "if you" three different times. Each time he is referring to our search and hunger for wisdom and knowledge. He states if you search...if you call out...if you accept, then you will understand. So many times I think we as Christ-followers want everything to be easy. I have been guilty myself, but here we find a simple instruction on how to understand the "good path" (v.9) that God has for us. When it comes to Chasing the Lions that we are facing, whether it be a job promotion, a family circumstance, a financial situation, or a huge step of faith, it is vital that we passionately pursue the wisdom of God in all these matters. I once heard it said this way..."knowledge is looking at a fire and saying that is hot...wisdom is looking at a fire and saying that is hot, do not touch it or it will burn." As it relates to our spiritual journey I think many times we have the knowledge of the fact that God desires for us to Chase the Lions that are in front of us, but we sometimes lack the wisdom to know how to do so, or the guts to actually do it. What about you? Has there been something you know you should be doing, but not practically doing it?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Proverbs 1

I am excited about the future of GCWC. For those of you who have been following the last few months here on the blog, you understand that the church we currently serve at is in a time of transition. Our staff and board have sought the wisdom and direction of God for some time and are excited about the events of the next few weeks. Beginning today, as a church we have begun a reading of the Proverbs together. Here are a few thoughts as we begin with chapter 1 that may encourage and challenge you.

1. The sole purpose of the book is "for the attaining of wisdom and discipline; for understanding words or insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair." (verses 2-3)

2. Solomon, the wisest man whoever lives gives so much insight in these "wise sayings" that guide us in this journey called life.

3. There is a common theme throughout the book as he relates specifically to 3 types of people...the wise, the fool, and the scoffer.

As we have been in our current series "Chase the Lion" we have discussed taking calculated risks and trusting God to come through when the odds are stacked against us. We talked yesterday about rewiring our hard drive (our brains) so that we may think more like him. Romans 12:1 calls it "being transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test what God's will is." That's what "Chasing the Lion" is all about...pursuing Gods dream and plan for our lives. Join us as we study this book together over the next few weeks.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Exciting News

As many of you know, we are excited that Kevin and Kristal Beachy will be with us the weekend of July 26th to interview for the Lead Pastor position at GCWC. This is an opportunity for you to get to know them and for them to get to know you. This Sunday we will be announcing a few more details as far as what the weekend will look like and how you can get to know them better. We will also have a CORE Leaders meeting this Sunday evening at 5:00 PM for all those in any area of leadership at GCWC. Please feel free to comment or ask questions here.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Join The Chase

We continue in a series entitled "Chase The Lion" at The Coast tomorrow. I am excited as we focus our attention on Defying Odds. What is it that seems too big for you to overcome? What is it that you want to do but it seems impossible? What odds, What lions are you facing? Why is it that we can't seem to set God-sized goals? Why is it so hard to pursue God-ordained passions? Why is it we seem to fear going after a dream that is destined to fail unless God intervenes? You don't want to miss the next few weeks.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Summer Break

This has been everything but a slow summer for Julie and I. So many irons in the fire and so much to do. However one thing I do miss is The Gathering, our Wednesday night student ministry. It gives me more study time for Sundays, but as I read facebook comments, its evident to me how much it means to the students as well. The Gathering will relaunch August 12 and will look and feel totally different. Until then...Join the Chase!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Chase The Lion

Have you ever looked back and asked yourself what if? I am convinced that the greatest regrets we will have near the end of this life are not the mistakes we made, but the things we never attempted out of fear or uncertainty. This Sunday kicks off a brand new series at Gulf Coast entitled "Chase The Lion". You don't want to miss it as we calculate how to step out and take risks in this journey called life. This Sunday we will focus on "Defying Odds". If we listen to the critics or our culture, we will always be pinned in a corner and scared to death to charge the largest mountains. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't. Join the Chase!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

"The Risky Life"

What a great day at The Coast this morning. We collected tons of commitment cards from people ready to take a risk for Jesus. I am excited about seing the people of Gulf Coast rise up in a time of transition. Someone asked me after service what they needed to do to get me to skydive. I will tell you what I told them. Present me with a scenario and we will see what happens. I get weak in the knees just thinking about it. Can't wait til Sunday.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I am so excited about this Sunday. I believe men are the catalyst for change in our culture. I believe Sunday will be a challenging day for not only dads, but for all men. I need your help by telling your story. 1. What is your favorite dad moment(your dad or as a dad) ? 2. What is the most challenging thing about being a man? Leave comments here. No names will be used, but would love to get your feedback.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Driven or Called

So many times in my life I have been told Carl you are so driven. People would say things to me to encourage me that probably over-inflated my ego and played to my dark side more than I ever realized. I have always been challenged by anything that seemed risky...(except skydiving) and will generally run head first into any challenge, because like "The Little Engine That Could...I think I can." This can be dangerous for me if people like myself if were not careful. I don't want to be driven to succeed or driven to accomplish a task for the sake of conquering something bigger than me. Instead, I want to be called, and there is a difference. One is rooted in what I think I can do, the other is rooted in who God made me to be and what He expects me to do. I will say that I have gotten these things backwards in the past. But right now, as it relates to the decisions made recently in our ministry, family, and church, I truly believed I am in a season in which God has called me to lead in a different capacity than I really ever expected. It's the capacity of "transition." For the next few months I believe God has called me to unify the board, staff, and people of Gulf Coast Worship Center towards one goal...the goal is not just to find a new pastor, but to be a unified group of Christ-followers who understand their role in this time. This Sunday I will be sharing a few thoughts on what I am calling RE-Charge. If you are apart of GCWC, focus your attention the next few days on the book of Ephesians and prepare your heart to hear what God is doing.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Excited About Change

That simple phrase is not often heard in life. We tend to get caught up in routine, the norm, the status quo. But change can be very exciting. One of my core values as a leader is "there is an element of risk in every opportunity." Change is always a risk, always an opportunity. The bigger the change, the bigger the risk, but the bigger the opportunity. I am excited about the transition here at Gulf Coast Worship Center. We are all beginning to realize that this is a monumental moment in the history of this church. Julie and I are excited about serving as Interim Pastors during this time of transition. I met with the staff this morning and they seem very upbeat, excited and ready for the challenge. Tonight we meet with the transitional team and the process of searching for a new pastor hits full swing. In a few weeks I will be sharing a few thoughts from the book of Ephesians but for now this is our prayer for GCWC. Pondering Thoughts...
  • What risk is God calling you to take...what are the opportunities on the other side?

  • What are your thoughts about all of this "change?"


Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Decision

Today following a weekend of formal interviews and an opportunity to address the congregation of Kingwood Church in Birmingham, Pastor Jay and Stacey were confirmed as the new pastors. We as a church look forward to the weeks ahead and doing our part in making God's plan for Gulf Coast become a reality, and we pray for God's favor on their family as well. Please feel free to post questions, comments, or words of encouragment.

For more thoughts on staff transitions check out this blog... for May 17, 2009.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

What Matters Most?

I can't wait until Sunday as I will share with our church in this time of transition "What Matters Most." If your a part of Gulf Coast, be there. We are praying for Jay and Stacey this weekend, as well as focusing on what God expects from us. You don't want to miss it!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Leading in Times of Transition

This past Sunday was another landmark in the journey of Gulf Coast Worship Center. Our Lead Pastor Jay West announced that he and Stacey were in a time of transition from Gulf Coast to another endeavor of ministry. It's times like these when questions arise in the hearts and minds of people who are involved. As a staff pastor who has served with Jay for 7 years, it is both sad and exciting. It's an opportunity for a family legacy to be carried on for them, yet a time of self-evaluation for all involved. They will be missed! But what does all this mean? For the next few months, it is my goal to just walk through my journey here as things unfold and become more clear. For now, here are a few thoughts...
  • Grace and love must be our driving values. After all this is what Jesus' life was all about and the very reason He established the church in the first place.
  • Prayer is vital. We must pray that God's will is done for Jay and Stacey, Gulf Coast, as well as Kingwood Church.
  • Unity is essential. What excites me about Gulf Coast is that we have a unified staff and board, and a great congregation who I believe will rise up and continue to see God's vision become a reality here on the coast.

Updates as they unfold...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Back in the Saddle

After taking about a month break during a season of prayer and fasting about our family, our church, and our future, I am excited to be back. Here are a few things that are happening/have happened in the last few weeks.
  • Our January Servolution touched nearly 1000 people through random acts of kindness
  • Jase is almost potty-trained
  • I'm sick of travelling - but not done yet
  • Met up with some old friends and had good conversation
  • People getting baptized like crazy
  • Made new friends and partnerships
  • Met up with students from a previous ministry - guess I am getting old
  • Had an oil leak on my driveway - almost jacked up my car - still mad at the 5-minute oil change on Hwy 49
  • Tired of fruits and vegetables
  • Julie is sick
  • Ready for this Sunday - Cool things will be happening
  • Need more sleep
  • Family coming in this weekend
  • Read about 6 new books
  • Reading about 6 more

I'm sure there is a ton more, but that's a brief...


Monday, January 5, 2009

Prison of Failure - A Look Into 2009

Here are a few notes from the message entitled the "Prison of Failure" that I shared in transition to the new year...

In John18:15-18 and 25-27 Peter denies Jesus 3 times because he was paralyzed with fear that he may also lose his life if he claimed he knew Him. Later in John 21, Peter returns to his old life of fishing. It was then that Jesus appears to him to show how much he loved him.

1. Jesus sees your failure but loves you in spite of it

  • Peter denies Jesus 3 times and once when warming his hands by a fire of coals
  • Jesus re-instates Peter by building a fire of coals, cooking him breakfast and asking him 3 times if he loved Him
  • It was as if Jesus was saying I saw it all, you screwed up, but look how much I love you.

2. Jesus doesn’t want failure can keep you from your destiny

  • Peter learned to deal with his failure, stood up after the day of Pentecost and proclaimed his love for Jesus publicly and 3,000 people followed Christ that day
  • We learn that Peter was later crucified upside down for following Christ. He had overcome his fear and fulfilled his God-given destiny.

3. Learning to fail properly is what allows you to succeed in the future

  • The first thing they teach in ski school is how to fall properly so that you will continue to try.
  • For reference study the failures of Abraham Lincoln and how he used them as stepping stones for his successes.

As you look into 2009, realize that God is a God of new beginnings. Set some goals. Think in the future, not in the past. Believe in yourself because God believes in you!