Friday, September 5, 2008

Life Goals - Financial

Thought I would share just a few of my/our financial goals today. Several of these have already been fulfilled and others are barely beginning. Here they are in no particular order:
  • Pay off home by age 40
  • Pay for children's college education
  • Provide 20% dowm payment for children's first home for wedding gift
  • Be financially independent by age 50
  • Work in full time ministry without drawing a salary
  • Allow Julie to be stay at home mom
  • Be debt free the rest of our lives
  • Have $100,000 in retirment by age 30
  • Help 10,000 families become debt free through financial counseling

I must throw a shout out to a mentor of mine Dave Ramsey for his leadership in the field of stewardship and financial peace. For more info visit

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