Sunday, September 7, 2008

Life Goals - Ministry

Just walking through the different categories of my/our life goals. Here are a few that would fall into the ministry category. Again some have already been fulfilled while others have not yet began.

  • Plant a church in South Atlanta
  • Pastor a church of 10,000 people
  • Win 100,000 people to Jesus
  • Pastor same church for 20+ years
  • Pastor a student ministry of 200+ students
  • See 50 students pursue a call to ministry
  • Build an orphanage/girls home in a foreign country
  • Spend a month on the mission field
  • Take my kids on a family missions trip
  • Work in ministry with my kids as adults
  • Write a book
  • Mentor 500 young ministers

A few thoughts: When I wrote these goals down I felt it was important to include those that I set a few years ago and have seen fulfilled as well as those that are in the process. In the next few days I will post family goals, travel goals, as well as recreation and fitness goals.

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