Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mentors - Part 2

Indirect Mentor #2 - Bill Hybels
I have read so many books by Hybels and the Willow Creek staff. He says in his book Courageous Leadership that "the local church is the hope of the world." When I first read that it was like I was hit by an oncoming train. But that is exactly the way Jesus set the stage. He spent time on earth with His disciples, and set the church into motion at His death. The "local church" (bodies of believers within a particular community) is the hope for changing that community. We must see more effective churches planted, lead, and grown in every community of the world.

Direct Mentor #2 - Tim Bach
I had the opportunity to serve with Tim Bach during a transitional year of my life. I was about to graduate college and get married. Tim taught me many things, but I think the thing that hit me like a tire iron was his passion for seeing people's life transformed by Jesus. No person was too far from God. Everyday was an opportunity. I have always heard passion is contagious, and in this situation, I am the victim. Since that time, I have had the opportunity to serve with him in other capacities and that passion is still the same.

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