Indirect Mentor #3 - Craig Groeschel
There are so many things to say here. Craig and Bobby at LifeChurch have made it possible for their impact for the Kingdom to be felt in larger ways than most of us have the creativity to imagine. I'll never forget Craig's story of how they started in a garage with an overhead transparency for their worship. He had a vision and a passion that led to things never thought of 15 years ago, and he is humble enough to admit that he stumbled on the idea during the birth of his child. The thing that I have gleaned the most and continue to glean from him is the fact that we have to do what we are good at doing. God created each and everyone of us uniquely and we are purposed to use the giftings that he has given us in the most effective ways we know how. We are not called to be like someone else!
Direct Mentor #3 - Randy Valimont
Pastor Valimont was my pastor from the time I was about 13 years old. I watched as our church grew from about 300 people to nearly 2500 when I left for college. Since that time it has continued to grow and touch the community in so many ways. Over the years Pastor Valimont and I have had a few conversations that I will not forget. As a college student I will never forget the things that he expected from those around him...1. Passion for God, 2. Work Ethic, and 3. Teachability. He also made this statement in another conversation...(paraphrased) delegation is not delegation without accountability. Now that I have been involved in full-time ministry for nearly nine years, those 2 valuable lessons still remain a part of my ministry philosphy. Thanks Pastor for everything.
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