Friday, November 28, 2008

Dream Assassins - Waiting

Continuing in the life of Joseph beginning in Genesis 37, we see another attempt to destroy the dream God had given him. In Genesis 39 following the lies of Potipher's wife, Joseph is thrown into prison for something he did not do. It was there he simply waited and made the most of every opportunity he was given.

Lessons Learned...
  • Joseph's waiting came in the form of a prison cell, for you it may be a job, finances, circumstances, a relationship, or even a prayer closet until God says now!!!
  • Without the prison cell (waiting place) there would be no palace for the fulfillment of the dream.
  • God can still prosper you in your waiting place. Joseph found favor and was given leadership responsibilities even in prison.
  • God honors faithfulness!
  • People are always watching you in the middle of your darkest or most frustrating moments (v.21)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Reflections

After eating entirely too much for you and me both I thought I would share a few things I am thankful for...
  • Julie who is an amazing woman and mother and willing to go wherever God leads us.
  • Jase who is 19 months now and growing way too fast.
  • Family. We have always maintained good relationships with both our families.
  • Being able to spend the holidays with my mom who should have passed from extreme aggressive cancer 13 years ago.
  • College Football. Georgia...maybe next year!
  • Golf.
  • Food. I actually ate enough today to feed some children in Thailand for a few weeks.
  • Being able to serve God with my life.
  • My church family and friends.
  • Jesus! Thanks for everything you have done.

I will finish the Dream Assassin series starting tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dream Assasins - Deceit

Following Joseph's rejection of Potipher's wife and his faithfulness to God in Genesis 39, Potipher's wife set out to destroy him. As he left the house she grabbed his coat and in his persistence to get away he left his coat. She proceeds to tell a different version of the story in what seems to be an attempt to get back and Joseph for rejecting him. She lies about his intentions to her husband and had him stripped of his position and thrown ito prison.

Lessons Learned...
  • There will always be people who will lie about you.
  • There will always be people who will believe the lies.
  • There is nothing you and I can do to keep it from happening.
  • People who are offended, hurt, threatened, or rejected may gather evidence to build a case against you. (Potipher's wife uses the coat as evidence to back her story)
  • Many times we will be persecuted for things we did not do.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

His First Prayer

Last Night we got home late from The Gathering Youth Service and it was like usual past Jase's bedtime. As I changed his diaper and began to put him to bed he said something to the affect of "i onna wock" which I interpreted to mean I want to rock. I was actually right for a change. Most of the time Julie has to interpret for me. So I sat down in the rocking chair for a few minutes with him and after sitting down for only a few seconds he said "Amen" which is what he says when Julie or I get finished praying. So I ask him if he wanted to pray and he responded with something like "i onna pway." Julie and I pray with him at night, but it is always us who instigates it, but not this time. So I took advantage of it, and about 2 words at a time, Jase repeated after me his first prayer to God. Did he! Do I! I am just excited and scared all at the same time to raise him and show him how much the God that created him loves him. It's a huge responsibility, but we ask God everyday to give us wisdom. I hope that he will see his mom and day pray more than just at church or at bedtime. I want him to see us live a life of worship to God that he wants to model his "life" after.

Dream Assassins - Sex

In Genesis 39 Joseph finds himself as a servant in the home of Potipher, one of the kings officials. He finds favor with him because he remains faithful to God. In the meantime Joseph gets a not so modest come on from Potipher's wife not just once, but everyday. After many refusals she gets frustrated with him...we pick up there next time.

Lessons Learned
  • Sexual Assassins are closer than most of us realize...Potipher's wife watched Joseph daily.
  • Our love for God has to be greater than love of ourselves..."How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?" v9
  • Had Joseph given in, the dream could have been destroyed or altered (See King David).
  • Joseph may have never gotten caught, but he said no anyway.
  • Greater success can bring greater opportunity for failure.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Dream Assassins - Family

Joseph has a dream that in some way or another he will be in a position of authority over his family. His brothers don't take the dream well when he tells them. So they plot to kill him, but settle on selling him into slavery to get him away so that they can destroy the dream.

Lessons Learned...
  • When you have a dream in your life and share it with people in your family, they will not always understand.
  • The people that you feel should be the closest to you and give you the most support can sometimes be the ones that selfishly seek to hold you back
  • People who do not have God's heart, can't see the things God sees (Isaiah 55:9)
  • God always does and end run - he didn't allow Joseph's brothers to kill him

What has God put in your heart that you feel others may have a hard time believing. Read this blog by Steven Furtick.

Dream Assassins

I have always been encouraged by the life of Joseph beginning in Genesis 37. At 17 years old he has a dream and it takes 13 years before he sees the dream become a reality. Along the way he faced threats to his dream. Some of which sought out specifically to see the dream destroyed while others inadvertently could have crushed it. They are what I like to call "Dream Assassins." Dream Assassins are lurking around corners in all of our lives, and if we are not careful, we can allow them to discourage us and cause us to give up on the dream. Over the next few days we will walk through those assassins that are evident in Joseph's life.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Faith Crisis - Part 2

So I am 21 years old and 2 weeks from getting married when I graduate. I had interviewed with nearly 20 pastors, some of which interested me greatly, while others...well anyway. The times that I was interested I had a good feeling about the opportunity, only to have what seemed to be like door slammed in my face. After wrestling with what now God, I had to just trust in what I could not see " Hebrews 11:1. Julie and I went forward with the plans, understanding that we would do whatever we had to do until the right opportunity came along. Two days before our wedding I received a call from a pastor in Nashville. We talked for a while, and he was visiting ATL the week I returned from my honeymoon. We decided to meet then and discuss further the opportunity of us serving with him. It was our final hope before the wedding day. We returned from our Honeymoon and met in N. ATL and both parties showed interest. We decided to visit a week and a half later and things came together. Julie and I served for 2 years at that church and built friendships that will last a lifetime before God led us in another direction. We realize how important it was for us to be at that particular place for that particular season for us as well as them. I learned the most important lesson in my life at that point...what we see will not always line up with what we believe...that is a faith crisis. How we respond will determine the future of the journey.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Faith Crisis

I have been studying Habakkuk the last few days and have been assured that all of us will hit at least one faith crisis in our lives. It's that point when what we believe doesn't like up with what we see. As I looked back on my life I realized the different "faith crisis" that I have had along the journey. I remember after wrestling with God's call on my life and having a serious injury that ended a potentially prosperous baseball career, God had my attention. To be brief, it was at that moment that I realized I had been running away from the calling God had placed on my life. So I began to pursue it. For the next 4 years I did everything I thought I was supposed to do to be the great leader I was supposed to be. My senior year in high school I began learning and reading. I took 3 college classes while still in my senior year. I went on to graduate college in 3 years, get engaged and was only months from being married when I began the search for a place of ministry. Enter "faith crisis." No one would hire me. I felt like I had done what I believed I was supposed to do. I was about to have a family. I had great dreams and aspirations, but no where to see them fulfilled. I'll continue with how it all ended tomorrow...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Give Me a Steak Please!!!

Hebrews 5 gives us a look into what God expects of us when it comes to growing up spiritually. The last year and a half has given me new insights into this scripture. Since Jase was born I have been astounded at the process of growth he has made both physically and mentally. I never really understood how much children really desire to learn. He will show you and tell you the new things he has learned everyday. On top of that random things come out of his mouth that there is no way he should understand at this age. I see him processing new things on a daily basis. Beyond that I remember the first time he could hold his own bottle (there is a God). Every step of the way I am amazed and this is the kicker for me...he is only 18 months old and so much has been learned. I think it is worth noting that in 18 months it is unlikely that a person can be and will be a fully devoted follower of Christ...that is a lifelong process. However, there are things that spiritual leaders must allow people to do for God at every growth stage. When Jase began holding his bottle on his own...I QUIT holding it for him. When he got began fedding himself I QUIT feeding him. Pastor what are you allowing those in various growth stages to do. Are we pushing people forward or holding them back.